Thursday, October 4, 2012

An Introduction to Operations Management @ FIX University Campus

Fernando IX University

An Introduction to Operations Management

Christian Terwiesch

This course will teach you how to analyze and improve business processes, be it in services or in manufacturing. You will learn how to improve productivity, how to provide more choice to customers, how to reduce response times, and how to improve quality.
Fernando IX University
Dear Class,

As we are in the middle of Week 2 of the course, please allow me to make the following announcements:
- Updated slides: I have uploaded the powerpoint slides of the Introduction and Module 1 (Process Analysis); previously, I had tried to organize the slides by week, but I have to admit that this was confusing / incomplete
- You notice that the last lecture of Module 1 talks about processes with attrition loss. Our course provides an interesting application of this effect: we have about 77,000 registered users. 38,000 watched at least some videos. The big question is: how many will submit the homework? Hang on in there!!!
- I have also uploaded some links to interesting stories about process analysis from the New York Times (see "Week 2" in the Navigation bar). I very much encourage you to share stories / youtube links / media references in the forum. 77,000 pairs of eyes throughout the world will just see the world much better than we can do sitting in the ivory tower.
- If you did not have a chance to do so, please fill out the pre-course survey.

With those announcements given, let’s get to work. If you have not already done so, please follow the link “Week 2” on the Navigation bar. Follow the instructions there, which will take you through the lectures, practice problems, and homework assignments.

Enjoy the second week of the course



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