Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Agenda Cultural @ FIX University

Fernando IX University

Minor in Digital Media Production @ FIX University

Fernando IX University

An Introduction to Operations Management

Christian Terwiesch

This course will teach you how to analyze and improve business processes, be it in services or in manufacturing. You will learn how to improve productivity, how to provide more choice to customers, how to reduce response times, and how to improve quality.
Fernando IX University

Dear Class, as promised, we are now live with the Coursera Operations Challenge.You will see the icon in the Navigation Bar ("Operations Challenge"). Please note that:
- you have until November 25 to submit
- all submissions will be evaluated by a randomly selected group of 10 students
- each student should evaluate 10 submissions; this should take about 5 minutes per evaluation

I am eager to see what submissions we receive.



Fernando IX University Dear Class,

Yesterday, I posted the final exam for the course. You will have two weeks to complete the exam (i.e., until November 25). The exam is broken up into five modules, which you can submit separately. Please note that while you had an unlimited number of attempts to submit answers to the homework assignments, you only have TWO attempts for submitting answers to the final exam.

We are also about to go live with the Coursera Operations Challenge. You will see the challenge on the Navigation Bar. The Challenge will also run until November 25. In case that you want to get started preparing your submission now, please look at the instructions at the bottom of this announcement.

This will conclude our course. I will reach out to you once the final exam is closed and provide some final thoughts of wisdom... We will also share descriptive statistics about the scores in the course and will then move ahead to the grading / certification process.

Good luck with the final - and please take a shot at our challenge.


Coursera Operations Challenge - Instructions

The main idea behind this challenge is to help you apply the concepts that you learned in this course to real life. Submit a 1 page illustration of something we covered in our course as you experienced it in your business / your own operations or in a business where you were the customer. This could be a process flow diagram, a KPI tree, an OEE chart, demand patterns, root causes for defects, etc. For example, if you decide to focus on a six sigma application, you might put together a page that includes (a) a histogram of your measurements (b) the capability score (c) the main drivers of the variability, and (d) some suggestions on how the variability might be reduced. The submissions are evaluated by 10 of your classmates (randomly selected) who will score your submissions on a scale from 1 (lowest/worst rating) to 5 (highest / best rating). The grading is based on the following criteria:

1. Presence of Data: the submission did include primary data from a real operational environment (i.e., this is data that you collected yourself or somebody from within your company / data describing your personal experience as a customer as opposed to data that you got from another source).
2. Insightful Application: the submission provided a new insight to the audience that directly relates to our course. That is, after reading this submission, one learns something new that he/she did not know beforehand.
3. Presentation and Visualization: the data and the application were presented in a clear and accessible fashion. For example, appropriate graphs/tables/charts were used.

All submissions will be posted on the Coursera forum where any of your classmates can vote and comment on submissions. We encourage everyone to participate in the forum voting and discussion. Based on the scores the submissions receive, we will identify the top submissions and then use them as examples in future iterations of this course. Please note that once you submit, your information will be in the public domain. Please make sure that you do not violate any copyright or proprietary data regulations.

Fernando IX University 

twitter.whotalking.comDiablitasLindas: Carmen Lucia Aldana Miss Colombia orgullosamente de valle ...
350 × 525 - 34 k - jpg fue elegida Carmen Lucía Aldana, del departamento del Valle, ...
250 × 190 - 10 k - jpg

facebook.comCarmen Lucía Aldana Roldán
343 × 343 - 17 k - jpg

504 × 470 - 24 k - jpg

960 × 593 - 54 k - jpg Lucía Aldana Roldán, Señorita Valle 2012-2013
378 × 191 - 37 k - php Lucía Aldana, la nueva Señorita Colombia, en entrevista con este ...
475 × 750 - 118 k - jpg

facebook.comCarmen Lucía Aldana Roldán
403 × 284 - 15 k - jpg

mafeariza15.blogspot.comNo vayan a llorar, les dijo Carmen Lucía Aldana Roldán, a través de un par ...
480 × 680 - 44 k - jpg su candidata Carmen Lucia Aldana Roldan de 20 años de edad, ...
415 × 315 - 36 k - jpg

lomaselite.comPage 7 « Carmen Lucia Aldana: Nueva Srta Valle 2012 | LoMasElite
328 × 448 - 46 k - jpg Elección y Coronación de la Señorita Colombia 2012. NOTICIAS
620 × 360 - 67 k - jpg Carmen Lucía Aldana Roldán, María de Chaves y Raimundo Angulo.
1049 × 750 - 160 k - jpg

cineyseriesdetv.comCarmen Lucia Aldana Roldan Fecha de nacimiento: 9 de Marzo de 1992. Edad: 20
433 × 278 - 15 k - jpg

lomaselite.comPage 10 « Carmen Lucia Aldana: Nueva Srta Valle 2012 | LoMasElite
448 × 336 - 46 k - jpg

valleduparnoticias.coCarmen Lucía Aldana Roldán, es la reina de Colombia 2012- 2013 elegida en la ...
300 × 300 - 23 k - jpg

facebook.comPhoto: Con ustedes nuestra actual señorita Colombia.
403 × 403 - 25 k - jpg Carmen Lucía Aldana Roldán, Señorita Colombia 2012, su victoria le supo a ...
700 × 468 - 98 k - jpg

cineyseriesdetv.comCarmen Lucía Aldana Roldán nueva Señorita Colombia 2012 2013
320 × 320 - 49 k - jpg

blog.simacel.comCarmen Lucia Aldana está en el ojo de la polémica al participar en ...
422 × 336 - 102 k

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