Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Olympic Games Medal Standings / FIX University / Agenda Cultural / newsRus.com /

Oscar Figueroa en la modalidad de los 62 kilogramos, en levantamiento de pesas en los Juegos Olímpicos que se desarrollan en Londres, y que de paso batió nueva marca al lograr los 317 kilos.
“Con esta marca batió el record olímpico y es la segunda medalla para el país, nos llena de orgullo porque Oscar Figueroa, nuestro medallista olímpico, empezó en Cartago, se formó en la Liga Vallecaucana de Pesas y recibe el apoyo constante de Indervalle, felicitaciones a él porque el deporte como el trabajo dignifican al ser humano”, afirmo Ubeimar Delgado.
En el marco de este tema el Gobernador Ubeimar Dalgado resaltó que sus directrices están dadas para ganar los Juegos Nacionales. “Queremos ser campeones, estamos invirtiendo recursos para que el Valle del Cauca sea la potencia de todos los tiempos, y el deporte no será la excepción”.
Fernando IX University

Gobernación del Valle reconoce valor y disciplina de Oscar Figueroa Medalla de Plata para Colombia en Juegos Olímpicos de Londres


V FORO DE COMERCIO EXTERIOR DE SERVICIOS: En el evento se analizará el tema de la internacionalización del comercio de servicios, sector destacado en la economía mundial al ser el motor principal de crecimiento para países que han focalizado su modelo de desarrollo en la presentación especializada de distintos tipos de servicios. 8 a.m. a 12 m. y 2 a 6 p.m. Auditorio Principal de la Cámara de Comercio de Cali.

TECNOLOGÍA: “Talks: uso de celulares”. Para personas invidentes. Horario flexible de 9 a. m. a 6 p. m. /LECTURA: “Fiesta de la lectura”, a cargo de Julissa Montoya. 4 p.m. Sala Infantil y Juvenil / ASTRONOMÍA:“¿Qué es la ingravidez espacial percibida por los astronautas siendo que están en lugares donde la gravidez es tan grande?”, a cargo de Alberto José Sánchez Asseff, Físico, MsC y PhD. 6:30 p.m. Sala 2. Entrada libre / TERTULIA  VALLECAUCANA: “La explosión del 7 de agosto de 1956 en Cali”, a cargo de Hernando Benavidez Parra. 6:30 p.m. Sala 1. Biblioteca Departamental.
ASTRONOMÍA: “Misión Curiosity a Marte”, a cargo de Luis A. Saldarriaga. 7 p.m. Salón 1 y 2, 5to piso. Centro Cultural Comfenalco. Entrada libre.
LECTURA DRAMÁTICA: “Carta de amor de Fernando Arrabal”, a cargo de Lisímaco Núñez y Victoria García. 7:30 p.m. Teatro La Concha.
SEMINARIOS INTENSIVOS: “Fotografía básica integral e Iluminación”, que se realizarán los días 8, 9 y 10 de Agosto, cupos limitados. Frontera sur.

UPDATED: 1:05p ET - 7/31/2012

Monday, July 23, 2012

FIX University Looks @ Domus Academy


Luxury and the stigma of Conspicuous Consumption - Competition

identify a luxury company locate in your home country that, in your opinion, has understood the recent evolution in the ways luxury brands and services are being consumed, and has started to implement the change...  »
The new Master in Marketing of Luxury Goods has been designed based on the idea that the acquisition of an eclectic set of competencies, which combines managerial, organizational, creative and multidisciplinary skills, has become the key to successfully operate in a highly competitive sector such as that of luxury goods.
Over the last few years, economic, political and cultural changes have been reshaping the luxury industry. Despite the recent acute economical crisis in many countries, the luxury sector as a whole has been witnessing an incredible growth, which shows no signs of slowing down. Its customer base is shifting dramatically, as wealth continues to spread to new parts of the globe.
The concept of luxury and luxury goods is changing.
The proliferation of luxury goods is being made accessible, at some level, to many millions more.
Yet, the concept and definition of luxury are becoming more and more blurred.
Historical luxury brands have launched more accessible brands, products and services. Some other premium and lifestyle brands have engaged in “trading up” strategies. 
Luxury consumers are changing.
A younger generation of luxury consumers has grown tired of the usual offerings. They also have more money to spend on luxury purchases and are looking for new types of goods and services.
Rather than flash and luxury, more and more consumers are now seeking discretion, special access, surprise, sense of humour and even secrecy.
In the aftermath of the economical crisis, new luxury consumers want more quality, meaning, authenticity, emotion and connection. They are more about 'being' versus 'having'.
Luxury brands are also facing different luxury consumers around the world, with different maturities, attitudes and expectations.
Luxury traditional distribution and communication channels are changing.
Some large luxury companies are quickly developing their retail power, and multiplying retail formats. Online luxury, once an oxymoron, is now omnipresent.
The Internet is giving consumers a voice. Traditional advertising is evolving fast. The advent of digital and social media is influencing the way luxury companies communicate and dialog with their customers.
In order to fully size the opportunities arising from the recent changes, luxury companies, large or small need to evolve and rethink their business models in order to serve a more discriminating and demanding consumer. And they need to recruit managers with new skillsets, which this Master Course is intending to provide.


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